week 7

Litter or Save Lives?

Imagine being a helpless little creature, captured in a trap of plastic rings. This is what occurs when humans litter. Thousands of animals are injured or even killed due to trash in the ocean. It may not seem like much, but a single straw carelessly thrown in the sea can be very dangerous to sea life. No animals life should end due to a small piece of trash that could have easily been thrown away instead. So when at the beach or anywhere else, save a life and throw away trash.
There are many organizations to help save animals in need, but this issue cannot truly end until littering ends. An island in the ocean is made completely up of different trash. A whole island was created due to littering. So many lives could be saved and the world could be a healthier and safer place if humans would take the time to throw away trash. There are many organizations to help the animals, so I highly recommend helping out. Hopefully one day this tragic issue will no longer exist and all ocean life will be safe.
All in all, animals should be kept safe and trash should only belong in the trash. Many animals contribute to our environment and the food cycle, and killing them off is only negatively affecting our own lives. So in conclusion, please throw away trash and protect animals.

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