About Me

Hello my name is Ella! I am a spontaneous and adventurous person who enjoys spending most of her time with family and friends. You will most likely find me outside no matter where or when. I love going to the beach and exploring new places. I also love to read and ride my bike, qualities I get from my dad. I have an older brother and sister who I’m very close with. Although they are much older than me, we always have the best times together.


When commenting, it is very important to stay on task. Comments such as “wow”, “cool”, or “omg” do not give the writer any helpful feedback. Most of the comments I see are not thoughtful or meaningful. Comments allow the writer to fix their mistakes and learn more about writing. Never give away personal information such as your address, school or birthday. Also make sure all criticism is constructive and helpful.

My Comments

I commented on posts. I decided to comment on Daniela’s About Me blog because it was very unique and a creative idea. I was also curious on what type of poem it was. Next I commented on Emily’s About Me blog because she had a very short and informative post that was to the point. Then I commented on Tea’s About Me blog since it was so interesting and personal. Finally I commented on Lola’s About Me blog. It caught my eye since it was so funny and it rhymed. All of these girls had amazing blogs that I really enjoyed.